You may request a refund or exchange within 14 days from the shipping date or 7 days from the date of receipt, whichever earlier. Please note that we do not offer refunds if a customer changes their mind or no longer needs the product. This policy applies regardless of the reason, including situations where delivery is not completed within the expected timeframe. We only accept returns for defective/damaged/wrong items or products significantly misrepresented in the product listings. To be eligible for a return, the item must be in its original condition, unworn, undamaged, with original tags and in the same packaging as received. A proof of the purchase or a receipt is required for the return process. Specified items and orders and gift card purchases are not eligible for return or exchange. Personalized or customized items cannot be returned for a refund or exchange unless they are defective or damaged upon receipt. If a package is returned due to the recipient refusing delivery or failing to pay customs duties and taxes in the destination country, we do not offer refunds. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the proper acceptance and payment of their order.

Refund Process

  • To request a refund or exchange, please contact our customer support team at with your order details and reason for the return.
  • Upon approval, we will provide you with instructions on how and where to return the item(s) to us.
  • Once we receive the returned item(s) and verify their condition, we will process your refund or exchange within 7 business days.
  • You will be responsible for return postage and we highly recommend you use the service which the item(s) can be tracked.
  • We will email you once we have received the goods once it. No refund for any damaged or lost items.
  • Shipping costs are not refundable unless you receive a faulty item.

Faulty Items

Once you have received the faulty item(s), please email us immediately at with photos of the item(s), your order number or any valid proof of purchase. Faulty items will only be accepted when they are defective or damaged upon receipt. We do not accept exchanges for products based on size differences within 0.5 centimeters to 2 centimeters or 5% (whichever is higher) according to the size guide provided, as this falls within the reasonable expectations and acceptable tolerances outlined by the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Crystawl reserve the right to enforce this policy and reject any returns or exchange requests that may result in losses or violate this policy. Additionally, we retain the right to interpret and provide details regarding specific defective items at our discretion.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.